Acupuncture and Dry Needling
Medical Acupuncture involves insertion of fine disposable needles into specific anatomical points producing a neurophysiological and electrochemical reaction to assist with tissue healing, reduction of pain and decrease in inflammation.
Dry Needling/Intramuscular Stimulation(IMS) is a scientifically based and proven technique for reversing the shortened muscles that cause musculoskeletal pain. Disposable fine needles are inserted into the target trigger point or “knot” in a specific muscle allowing that muscle to release and lengthen.
Our physiotherapists are experienced in the use of acupuncture and dry needling for treating a variety of conditions. They have completed post-graduate training in evidence-based western medical acupuncture and intramuscular dry needling.
At Mobilize Physio+, our physiotherapists can combine physiotherapy, acupuncture and dry needling treatment to help you get better faster.
Acupuncture/Dry Needling Can be Effective for:
Neck and Back Pain
Muscle spasms, Tension and Trigger Points
Joint Pain
Acute and Chronic Pain